Wyre Forest Study Group – Arachnid Gallery

Wyre Forest Arachnids

The passing of the seasons is marked in many different ways across the Wyre Forest. Spring is marked by carpets of bluebells in glades and along the forest rides. Summer months give way to the liquid notes of the Wood Warbler and the flash of nesting Pied Flycatchers. But it’s often not until the cooler, still autumn days arrive that the visitor to the forest becomes aware of the gossamer lacework of spider webs, draped across the forest floor.

Largely unseen by the casual observer, the Wyre Forest is home to hundreds of species of spiders and harvestmen, among them some locally and nationally scarce species. At the last count, something like 263 species of spiders has been recorded along with 17 species of harvestmen. A difficult group to find let alone identify,  these records will undoubtedly be added to as the Wyre Forest Study Group continues surveying.  


This gallery will be updated and added to regularly. We would love to be able to include members’ photographs too. So if you have any photographs within your own personal collection that were taken within the local area of the Wyre Forest and you would like to see them displayed within these pages, just let us know.

Want to see even more images? Just pop over to our Flickr Group. 


Want to add to the collection? Simply create an account on Flickr (it’s free) and join the growing Wyre Forest Study Group pool.

Click on the images in the gallery to view the full-size image. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll through all the gallery images in turn.