Wyre Forest Study Group – Reptile Gallery

Wyre Forest Reptiles

Four species of reptiles can be found in the Wyre Forest. These are the Adder, Grass Snake, Common Lizard, and Slowworm. With dwindling numbers of reptiles across the UK, the populations found within the forest have been the subject of detailed research and monitoring for over 40 years. The summary results of these studies can be found in the annual Review published by the Wyre Forest Study Group.

This research has focused on the effects that woodland management and other changes have had on local populations over the years. A detailed analysis of dynamic weather patterns and how these also can have an influence on populations have also been documented. This accumulation of important data has been vital in helping to develop conservation strategies in order to try to maintain healthy populations of these fascinating creatures.         


This gallery will be updated and added to regularly. We would love to be able to include members of the group photographs too.  If you have any photographs within your own personal collection that were taken within the local area of the Wyre Forest and you would like to see them displayed within these pages, just let us know.

Want to see even more images? Just pop over to our Flickr Group. 


Want to add to the collection? Simply create an account on Flickr (it’s free) and join the growing Wyre Forest Study Group pool.


Click on the images in the gallery to view the full-size image and use your mouse wheel to scroll through all the gallery.