Wyre Forest Study Group

17 April, 2021

Toothwort – Lathraea squamaria

On Saturday 17th April 2021 six members of the WFSG went on the postponed winter bird walk, but we don’t only look for birds! After our lunch stop near Arley we spotted Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria) growing on a hedge bank beside the River Severn. Toothwort appears as spikes of ghostly white flowres in springtime, it is a parasitic plant, usuall found on Hazel (Corylus avellana). Several plants were growing along a short section of the hedge bank adjacent to the River Severn.






Toothwort -Lathraea squamria - Photo by Graham Hill

Toothwort – Lathraea squamaria

Photograph by – Graham Hill